SuSanA Library

Santiago Septien Stringel, Kirthi Rampersad, Brent Yelland, Talente Mthembu, Nikhil Pillay, Alexis Coppejans, Glen Snedden, Jonathan Pocock (2024) Development of an urine evaporation solution for innovative re-engineered sanitation systems

In the sector of wastewater management and sustainable sanitation, the practice of urine separation and valorisation can offer reuse water and nutrients for crop production. However, the effective realization of urine separation necessitates the concurrent development of urine treatment systems. While membrane filtration techniques have been employed to concentrate urine, these options are unable to concentrate urine beyond a certain threshold. This limitation underscores the […]

Online since: 21.01.2025
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Green Climate Fund (2022) Sectoral guide: Water security

Climate change is evident around the globe, and it requires bold actions now to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Paris Agreement. In addition, water is one of the world’s most essential commodities and demand for water service has increased tremendously following population growth, economic development and changing consuming patterns. Facing increasing demand for this scarce resource, the global water business seems to offer […]

Online since: 16.12.2024
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Om Prasad Gautam, Babazile Bhembe, Lindsay Denny, Lara Kontos, Joana Da Cunha Forte, Golam Muktadir and John Knight (2024) Technical guide for handwashing facilities in public places and institutions

Hand hygiene is a key line of defence for many diseases, including diarrhoea and cholera. To maintain good hand hygiene and get more people into the habit of regularly washing their hands, public handwashing facilities with soap and water are essential. For many years, we have worked with governments, UNICEF and other organisations to install handwashing facilities in a range of public places and buildings, including […]

Online since: 03.12.2024
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Silagy, I., Isin-Xiong, L., Nelson, D., & Strait, J. (2024) Exploring the Environmental Footprint of Period Products

When shopping for period products, we usually consider a handful of factors before making a purchase. What is comfortable? What is affordable? What is available at the store? As people who menstruate, we can all agree that choice is essential. Everyone should be free to select products that best meet their personal needs, from physical to financial. But now, it is time to consider a larger, […]

Online since: 03.12.2024
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Sanitation for Millions, German Toilet Organisation (2024) Service Offer: Toilets Making the Grade® – A School Competition for Self-driven Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Improvements

This service offer contributes to the achievement of multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 6.2 (equitable sanitation), SDG 3 (good health), SDG 4 (quality education), and SDG 5 (gender equality). The Toilets Making the Grade® (TMG) competition helps schools to address sanitation and hygiene challenges through self-assessment, guiding them to meet global and national standards like the 3-star approach. In a playful way, students and […]

Online since: 29.10.2024
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Sanitation for Millions (2024) Service Offer: Sustainable Operation and Maintenance of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Infrastructure in Public Institutions

This service offer contributes to the achievement of multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 6.2 (equitable sanitation), SDG 3 (good health), SDG 4 (quality education), and SDG 5 (gender equality). This service offer dives deep into crucial thematic areas necessary for the sustainable operation and maintenance (O&M) of WASH infrastructure. Drawing from successful implementation in Jordan, Pakistan, Uganda, and Colombia, the service offer ensures tangible […]

Online since: 29.10.2024
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Sanitation for Millions (2024) Service Offer: Menstrual Hygiene Management – Advocacy on Policy Level and Cooperation with the Private Sector

This service offer contributes to the achievement of various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 6.2 (equitable sanitation), SDG 3 (good health), SDG 4 (quality education), and SDG 5 (gender equality). It focuses on Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) at the policy level and in cooperation with the private sector. It provides an overview of essential background information, critical minimum standards, and the necessary steps for implementation. […]

Online since: 29.10.2024
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Sanitation for Millions (2024) Service Offer: Menstrual Hygiene Management – Awareness Raising and Knowledge Sharing in Public Institutions

This service offer contributes to the achievement of multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 6.2 (equitable sanitation), SDG 3 (good health), SDG 4 (quality education), and SDG 5 (gender equality). It focuses on Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) at the community level, especially in public institutions. It provides essential background information, critical minimum standards, and the necessary steps for implementation. The content is informed by the […]

Online since: 29.10.2024
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Sanitation for Million (2024) Service Offer: Hygiene Awareness and Behaviour Change Communication

This service offer contributes to the achievement of multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 6.2 (equitable sanitation), SDG 3 (good health), and SDG 4 (quality education). It focuses on measures to sensitize and spread knowledge about hygiene topics, fostering hygiene awareness and anchoring safe hygiene practices. Hygiene awareness and behaviour change are vital for improving public health, especially for vulnerable populations. Focusing on public institutions—such […]

Online since: 29.10.2024
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Sanitation for Millions  (2024) Service Offer: Construction or Rehabilitation of WASH Infrastructure in Schools

This service offer contributes to the achievement of multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 6.2 (equitable sanitation), SDG 3 (good health), SDG 4 (quality education), and SDG 5 (gender equality). It focuses on the construction and rehabilitation of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) infrastructure in schools. It provides essential background information, critical minimum standards, and the necessary steps for implementation. The content is informed by […]

Online since: 29.10.2024
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Sanitation for Millions (2024) Service Offer: Construction or Rehabilitation of WASH Infrastructure in Healthcare Facilities

This service offer contributes to the achievement of multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 6.2 (equitable sanitation), SDG 3 (good health), and SDG 5 (gender equality). It focuses on the construction and rehabilitation of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) infrastructure in health care facilities. It provides essential background information, critical minimum standards, and the necessary steps for implementation. The content is informed by the practical […]

Online since: 29.10.2024
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Sanitation for Millions (2024) Service Offer: Construction or Rehabilitation of WASH Infrastructure in Faith-Based Institutions

This service offer contributes to the achievement of multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 6.2 (equitable sanitation), SDG 3 (good health), and SDG 5 (gender equality). It focuses on the construction and rehabilitation of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) infrastructure in faith-based institutions. It provides essential background information, critical minimum standards, and the necessary steps for implementation. The content is informed by the practical […]

Online since: 29.10.2024
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Sanitation for Millions (2024) Menstruación Sin Tabú: Mi Cuerpo, Mi Salud - with English subtitles and sign language

Este inspirador video, producido en el marco del programa global Sanitation for Millions, aborda la importancia de la salud menstrual. A través de la voz de Fabiana, una joven de 13 años, nos invita a romper el silencio y los tabúes que rodean la menstruación. Con una pegajosa canción que resalta la naturalidad del ciclo menstrual, el video promueve prácticas de higiene seguras. Su mensaje positivo […]

Online since: 17.09.2024
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Sanitation for Millions (2024) La Magia de Crecer: El Viaje de Lucía hacia la Menarquía with English Subtitles

Embárcate en una aventura mágica y educativa con Lucía, una joven que descubre los misterios de la menarquía en este encantador libro animado. A través de un bosque encantado, Lucía se encuentra con personajes fantásticos como Uteriana, la Doctora Menstrualiana y Vulvánica, quienes la guían en su comprensión del ciclo menstrual. Este video no solo educa sobre los aspectos biológicos de la menstruación, sino que también […]

Online since: 03.09.2024
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Abe Noe-Hays, Julia Cavicchi, Gretchen Saveson, Tatiana Schreiber, Arthur Davis, Cory Howley (2024) Farmer Guide to Fertilizing with Urine

The Rich Earth Institute's Farmer Guide to Fertilizing with Urine provides farmers with practical insights into reclaiming human urine as a nutrient-rich fertilizer. It joins Rich Earth’s guides to community and home garden urine recycling, offering resources to practitioners at different scales. The guide is rooted in Rich Earth’s extensive research with farmer-partners in Southern Vermont and enriched by insights from the international research […]

Online since: 29.08.2024
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SuSanA (2024) 34th SuSanA Meeting - Presentations, Recordings and further Resources

The 34th SuSanA meeting took place on 24th August 2024. It was organised by the SuSanA Secretariat with support and contributions from the Global Steering Commitee, SuSanA Partners, Members, Working Groups, Regional Chapters and many more. This entry is the collection point of the different resources from the SuSanA Meeting, including recordings, presentations and program overview. We once again thank all the speakers and everyone, who supported […]

Online since: 28.08.2024
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Muhammad Umar Ali, Dr. Muhammad Azeem (2024) Sanitation Workers in Lahore: A Socio-Legal Study

The report provides an in-depth analysis of the working conditions, socio-economic challenges, and legal protections (or lack thereof) faced by sanitation workers in Lahore, Pakistan. Published by the Labour Research & Development Institute (LRDI) in collaboration with the Pakistan Workers Federation, the study is part of the ILO Japan Multi-bilateral Programme. It focuses on issues such as occupational safety, wages, social security, and discrimination, particularly […]

Online since: 20.08.2024
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Freya Mills, Tim Foster, Antoinette Kome, Rajeev Munankami, Gabrielle Halcrow, Antony Ndungu, Barbara Evans & Juliet Willetts (2024) Indicators to complement global monitoring of safely managed on-site sanitation to understand health risks

This document highlights significant occupational health and safety risks for sanitation workers during the emptying of on-site sanitation systems. A major concern is the direct exposure to health risks, as many workers enter containments like pits and septic tanks, with only 8% of systems emptied without such entry. Risks are higher in rural areas, where self-emptying is more common, and in urban settings where sanitation […]

Online since: 20.08.2024
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Nasser Tuqan and Elise Mann on behalf of the Climate Resilient Sanitation Coalition (CRSC) (2024) Bridging Borders: The Role of Climate-Resilient Sanitation in Global Peace and Sustainability CRSC Article - SIWI World Water Week 2024

As SIWI World Water Week 2024 kicks off in Stockholm this week, we are reminded of the profound importance of water and sanitation cooperation in fostering peace and security across the globe. This year's theme, "Bridging Borders: Water for a Peaceful and Sustainable Future," reminds us of the intricate interconnections between and across communities and nations and emphasizes the need for collaborative efforts to secure […]

Online since: 20.08.2024
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 (2024) Introducing 'Shasthya Nirapotta Scheme'

WaterAid in collaboration with Waadaa.Insure and Chartered Life, introduced Shasthya Nirapotta Scheme (SNS), a health protection scheme for low-income people specially the sanitation workers to ease their struggles and triumphs. This health protection initiative is designed to improve healthcare access and provide financial support in the event of the premium holder's death. This innovative scheme is also graciously supported by Government of Sweden, and Bill and […]

Online since: 06.08.2024
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